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Keynote Speaking and Presentations

(2-3 hours)


* Respect in the Workplace and Addressing Harassment

* Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

* Got Gossip? Let’s Talk About it!

* Sharing Space and Office Etiquette




Workplace Trainings and Workshops

(Suggest 2 days).


* Respectful Workplace Approaches for Human Resources  

* Respectful Workplace Approaches for Managers and Employees

* Managing Conflict 

* Coaching for Resistance and Resolution


Paul also presents for Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute and ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership and Performance. If you are looking to attend a workshop Paul is facilitating please visit their website.   


* Deescalating Potential Violent Situations ™

* Crisis Response Planning

* Mental Health Awareness and Support

* Responding to Trauma (PTSD)

* Caring for the Caregiver 

* Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Post-vention

* Critical Incident Group Debriefing

* Mental Health and Addictions

Conference Event
Conference Room
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